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CHUSA has simply been the best and most compliant way to help our patients get the care that they need. In the ever-changing, complicated, political, med-legal insurance landscape, CHUSA allows us to give exceptional service to our patients without worrying about high deductibles, poor coverage, contracts, or no coverage. This is simply a NO-brainer choice for the practicing chiropractor. We will never stop using CHUSA!

I wanted to see certain patients more often and help patients with children. ChiroHealthUSA is helping me tremendously.

I became a CHUSA provider so I could be properly reimbursed for the non-covered services I offer to Medicare patients. I wanted to make sure I was in compliance with CMS guidelines and getting appropriately reimbursed for therapies and treatments I was providing to this part of my practice.

I thought I was being "nice" in offering discounts to my patients. When I ran my numbers, I realized that not only was I losing money on some visits, but I was also opening myself up to compliance issues.

Everyone in our office loves CHUSA! Our patients really appreciate being able to have discounted care, and our staff likes how easy CHUSA is to implement and use on a daily basis. As a former state association president, I REALLY appreciate how much CHUSA has given back to our profession at a state and national level. I was blown away this year to witness Dr. Foxworth presenting a check for $50,000 to COCSA, which is only one of the associations that CHUSA supports! There are other similar companies out there but none that comes even close to giving back to our profession like CHUSA has. Thank you for such a rock-solid, compliant program, and thank you for all you do for chiropractic.

It is very easy to transition patients with out-of-network insurance, or no insurance, to the ChiroHealthUSA plan.

The majority of my practice is Personal Injury, and many patients are stuck with high deductibles and out-of-network benefits. Many have told me they don't want to go to another chiropractor but were looking for something more affordable. I knew I could not do this with my current fee schedule, and CHUSA was a lifesaver!

ChiroHealthUSA is working excellently in our office. There are days that 50% of the patients on the schedule are CHUSA. I can convert new patients to CHUSA when I don't bill their insurance. Many want maintenance, and this is the way to do it!

ChiroHealthUSA has helped us convey the true value of our services to our existing patients. Stating, ‘your treatment today is normally $90, but with your ChiroHealthUSA membership it is only $50,’ shows the value of chiropractic care and the discount they are receiving!

It's great to have a company support you to give patients affordable and great care.

Compliance is a focus of my clinic management and team. There has been an ever-present worry that trying to make care affordable will violate insurer contractual agreements. Too many of my colleagues have the same worries, but do not take the steps of protection that CHUSA offers. Instead, they worry at night about whether they will be the focus of recoupment. I sleep without regrets knowing that my inclusion of CHUSA into my patient services helps me be compliant and still offer the great care my patients have come to to rely on without breaking their piggybanks to get it.

Several years ago the ANJC recommended ChiroHealthUSA to all NJ chiropractors as a way to be compliant with state and Federal laws. Too many take the risks of providing discounts to cash patients. I joined right away and it gives me a clear conscience that I am providing optimal care while staying compliant. It also makes it easier for my Medicare patients to get the therapy that is not covered by their policies as well as reducing their fee for their exams. Any practicing doctor would be crazy not to use ChiroHealthUSA.

ChiroHealthUSA is the best way to make fees affordable. I have a family practice and want parents to automatically want to get everyone checked out, not just one person.

CHUSA has helped me so much! Patients are open to spending less money for the same great care. I have been able to convert more pain-based patients to wellness and see more families as a whole. CHUSA provided all the paperwork and training our office needed to speak to patients. The training was easy to understand and did not take much time to implement. Patients love the idea of saving money. When we explained that their entire family can come in under CHUSA, the number of children and spouses in our office exploded! Patients understand saving money when you frame it with your original value and as compared to using their insurance.

We love being able to give family discounts. We think it would bring more patients to the clinic.

Gregory “Phil” Willard, DCGregory “Phil” Willard, DCADIO Spinal Care, Portland, Oregon

It's working really well. It was a pleasure getting set up. Ginger did a fantastic job, and the coordination with Cash Practice was seamless. ChiroHealthUSA and Cash Practice are a joy to work with!

Crystal Zagwyn Harrison, DC DABFP CME CPhTCrystal Zagwyn Harrison, DC DABFP CME CPhTComplete Health 180, Richmond, ME

I enjoy that research is being fueled by every membership sign-up in our office to ChiroHealthUSA. This program has also helped us transition patients to wellness care and stay compliant with insurance billing. It is wonderful. The new QR code is brilliantly easy for patients to sign up right from their phones!

We have been very surprised by how many patients gladly signed up for CHUSA.

ChiroHealthUSA works great for us and, more importantly, our patients. It was simple and fast to implement. Informing patients that there is a much more affordable way to obtain care is always good news. With insurance deductibles rising, out-of-pocket expenses will rise. Offering a legal and cheaper option for patients makes my services affordable. Affordable care creates more business for my clinic. Don't hesitate. Join the CHUSA family today.

Stephen Arsenault, DCStephen Arsenault, DCOrono Chiropractic, Orono, ME

ChiroHealthUSA works exceptionally well, particularly well for Medicare patients. My staff loves the concept, so it was very easy to implement. My patients really express appreciation for the program to help them save money. We used to have a point of service discount until the laws changed making it illegal. When we found CHUSA, we were excited. It's not fair to give discounts via contracts to insurers, but ding our seniors on Medicare with a full ticket.

ChiroHealthUSA eliminates the complications of transferring insurance patients with high deductibles to cash plans. It has historically been very challenging due to the confusion for our patients and staff, but CHUSA removes the confusion leading to better healthcare for our patients!

I've been losing too many Medicare patients. Now, not only is it easier for THEM to get onboard, it's easier for the staff to 'own' the value.

I met Heather at an Activator seminar a few years ago and heard her talk about CHUSA. Her pleasant demeanor and willingness to help me led me to join CHUSA. And when I opened my practice, I knew just who to call.

I joined ChiroHealthUSA in order to avoid having a dual fee schedule. This allows patients to pay a discounted rate and still be compliant. Everyone I have encountered at CHUSA has been very knowledgeable and incredibly helpful.

Our office has recently changed the focus from strictly personal injury patients to general health and cash-based patients. CHUSA has helped us give those patients better payment options.

ChiroHealthUSA has been an invaluable tool to make care more affordable to our patients, and for us it allows us to sleep well at night. It basically allows us to have a separate fee schedule for our patients that is 100% legal yet achieves a much needed choice to afford care. We have had more family members join our practice since implementing this program. Medicare patients can get therapy/rehab at a more affordable cost and they choose it now more often. The ChiroHealthUSA team is in this for the right reasons, and it’s just a win-win for all.

ChiroHealthUSA was very easy to implement. I contacted CHUSA to set my discount rate for a variety of services. A confirmation was sent back to me for any corrections, and I was ready to go. Most of my patients were requesting discount options. I explained the program to them, and they were eager to sign up.

I didn’t realize how out-of-date my fees were and how it was dramatically affecting my bottom line. Thanks, CHUSA!

We joined ChiroHealthUSA because they give back to our profession. I've been with another Discount Medical Plan for years, and I don't see them doing anything.

With seeing the healthcare dollars shift from payers to individuals because of high-deductible plans, we are seeing more and more people looking for a cost-effective way of getting quality care. CHUSA allows them to make whatever decisions are right for them and their families.

I aim to provide my patients with a more substantial discount, recognizing the financial challenges many individuals encounter in the current economy. My goal is to make treatment accessible and affordable, ensuring that financial difficulties or the absence of medical insurance do not hinder them from receiving the care they need to improve their health.

With ChiroHealthUSA, I am confident now that I am practicing within the law so I don't worry about the possibilities of an audit. That makes my practice more enjoyable.

It took a minute to understand what a DMPO was and why I needed them. Now that I have a better understanding, every doctor should be a member. ChiroHealthUSA keeps me compliant while addressing all the gaps that insurance plans can create. I've moved to cash practicing and the beauty of all this is it fits in any financial type practice. As a result, my patients are more comfortable financially being a returning patient and stop battling with their heart because they like me as their doctor. Now, I can do my primary goal of providing good health care and I help my patients help me get paid.

Moving to a cash-based practice will, and has, helped us not be dependent on insurance companies. We now get to focus on patient needs and healing their bodies.

The process of becoming a provider with CHUSA and the overall implementation process was simple. It has also led to more FULL families under care in our office.

My practice had a real dilemma: how to provide necessary therapy/rehab procedures to Medicare patients and not violate federal rules. A similar problem existed with providing non-insurance patients with needed services and being able to provide those at a reasonable fee. After lots of research, we were lucky enough to find ChirohealthUSA. It was the answer to a prayer. We can now provide needed services and provide them at an affordable fee. It also made it much easier for staff to deal with one standard discounted system. Thank you.

I have been a member of ChiroHealthUSA since its inception. ChiroHealthUSA makes it easy to continue the fee schedule and all my private pay patients love it because I can do all the services they need without worrying about cost…and it’s great for all my Medicare non-covered services. Best of all, it costs me nothing and I set my own % off and can exclude any service I like. ChiroHealthUSA has GREAT staff support, weekly webinars at no cost with great up-to-date information to keep my office ahead of the curve.

ChiroHealthUSA is making more of my patients financially responsible which has made it easier for my staff to collect.

I use CHUSA in order to offer a discount for my cash-pay and uninsured patients without lowering my value and reimbursements, or devaluing the services I provide. I want to make care affordable for people while still being fair to the profession and not breaking any rules. CHUSA lets me check all those boxes at once.

I was looking for a way to offer customized fees to patients without insurance coverage that would work alongside Medicare. ChiroHealthUSA has provided just that and has been easy to recommend to patients and easy to implement.

CHUSA is a no-brainer. The setup for CHUSA was easy. I, as the owner, was able to choose what services and how much to discount. My patients love the option for a cash discount in our office. They are especially happy that their whole family can participate for one annual fee. Take all the worry about the legality of cash discounts away. Join CHUSA and let them do what they do best.

We love the discounts we are able to offer to our bigger families.

We have a large number of patients whose yearly deductibles seem to be climbing higher and higher each period. These patients would not seek or receive chiropractic care without ChiroHealthUSA.

With the ever-changing insurance landscape, we wanted to be able to legally offer affordable services to our patients. CHUSA has allowed us to offer discounts on services that cost less than using their health insurance. It’s a lot less headache and paperwork on our end too. We highly recommend ChiroHealthUSA.

After getting involved with Cash Practice, my eyes were opened to fees, discounts, and operating within federal guidelines. CHSA is the solution for addressing those concerns and for having the ability to offer patients a choice. CHUSA has worked out great for us. Our practice is growing in all aspects this year so far, after several years of struggling to break out of insurance dependence.

I'm very concerned about compliance as well as providing affordable care for families while still keeping fees that pay my overhead. ChiroHealthUSA helps balance all that.

We love ChiroHealthUSA. It is great working with you guys.

We love the simple process of signing patients up. And there is a lot of training information online.

CHUSA is great. We have no issues! It's easy to understand and implement. Patients understand it well and have no complaints about the program. They love having a family-friendly way to get affordable chiropractic care. I would recommend CHUSA. It saved my practice coming out of school and allowed me to grow quickly in family chiropractic practice.

Scott Null, DCScott Null, DCNull Chiropractic, Independence, Kansas

We have a lot of patients with no insurance or high deductibles. Insurance and Medicare patients were getting discounts but not patients paying cash. This has helped them and some have said they can now afford to come more often.

ChiroHealthUSA is helping our clinic become more compliant and is streamlining things helping us to become more efficient and timely in our chart processing.

ChiroHealthUSA helps to streamline patient intake and financial responsibility conversations. CHUSA also provides an increased level of consistency and compliance.

We wanted to be compliant but also wanted to keep out-of-pocket costs as low as possible to patients while still helping us be profitable. ChiroHealthUSA allows us to do this very easily.

I decided to become a ChiroHealthUSA provider to offer affordable fees to my patients without insurance. This will also grow my practice by offering discounted rates for family members.

Raquel Yarroch, DCRaquel Yarroch, DCWhole Life Chiropractic, Mauston, WI

Patients are loving that we are in CHUSA so they can get a discount. Plus, I loved that their consultant helped me find resources that allowed me to determine what my fees should be. I was too low, so now I can make more and feel well-supported financially, while patients still get a discount.

ChiroHealthUSA helps with clinic transparency allowing patients to better understand our fees and why our services are billed a certain way.

Insurance has cut reimbursements so much that we knew we had to make a change. We wanted to raise our fees in order to collect a fair amount from insurance without overcharging our loyal cash, self-pay patients. ChiroHealthUSA is a great way to keep our care affordable.

It is easier for our patients and front desk staff. No messing with insurance companies or filing claims. It has been absolutely fantastic working with CHUSA and being able to offer it to our patients. We also appreciate all the great learning materials provided to us and all the other resources we have access to.

ChiroHealthUSA has helped us remove a major barrier to treatment for some of our patients.

Anthony Snellenberger, DCAnthony Snellenberger, DCAlign-4-Life Chiropractic, Carmel, IN

I knew that after leaving a facility I had been working with for 6 years and starting up my own clinic, that I didn't want to mess with a lot of insurance groups. There are always loopholes and obstacles to overcome. I knew that using ChiroHealthUSA in my cash-based practice is critical for legal purposes.

ChiroHealthUSA has helped us keep care affordable for patients while not undercutting or devaluing our services.

ChiroHealthUSA was not available in Florida when I first heard about the program. Having an understanding of the importance it was going to have for my patients, I anxiously awaited the roll-out in Florida. Since then, I have recommended the program to my patients countless times. It has been of great benefit to my patients, and consequently to me, by allowing my patients to access the chiropractic care that they needed but couldn’t afford due to being uninsured or as we see so often now, under-insured. In our office, the under-insured probably outnumber the uninsured that use ChiroHealthUSA today. For our Medicare patients it often opens the door for them to be seen in my office. On behalf of my patients and my staff and myself, I want to thank ChiroHealthUSA and Dr. Foxworth for their hard work and excellent service.

Insurance in my area isn’t great, but a couple of plans have excellent out-of-network benefits. I wanted to take advantage of those while allowing lower rates for others.

With all the limitations and contingencies for care that insurance requires, the headaches deterred patients from seeking the care they need. ChiroHealthUSA has allowed us to provide access to affordable care.

Your company has made me sleep easier at night knowing I can offer affordable care to general health patients and still keep in compliance. I always tell my classmates when they open their own offices to IMMEDIATELY get ChiroHealthUSA. It is hands down one of the most vital pieces to a professional practice. Not to mention it makes explaining a fee schedule to potential clients effortless.

I joined CHUSA to provide discounts to my patients so I can sleep at night knowing that I am being compliant with my fees, as well as helping my patients financially. It’s a win-win relationship.

I just implemented CHUSA in my office. The first new patient I had, I signed them up! He was out of work and found great value in the savings for him and his family. Implementation was very easy. The staff was very friendly and helpful. It reset my practice. My patients love it. I practice in an underprivileged county. Sometimes funds are limited for patients. A patient needs options for affordable care. Give them options! It's an affordable plan that allows the patients to receive care at a reduced rate.

We started working with KMC University after going through an insurance audit. After a complete internal audit with KMC over a five-day period, we were able to drop five insurance carriers and converted all of those patients to CHUSA. It increased our bottom line collections by 20-22%. Explaining it to patients is simply too easy!

I chose to become a provider with ChiroHealthUSA because I think it's important to be able to offer a substantial discount to my patients. They appreciate this option because their insurances typically involve high deductibles or copays. This has been an incredible move to better my practice.

We have always questioned whether we had a "dual fee schedule" system. Our billing person told us we were not for 8 years. When I consulted with Dr. Ty Talcott and ChiroHealthUSA, I found out that we were not compliant. Now were are able to convert our patients to cash and decrease our insurance claims. We have always had a fear about whether we could be a "cash practice." ChiroHealthUSA is helping us transition our patients to cash while being legal and compliant. The staff at ChiroHealthUSA is very knowledgeable and accessible. I can't thank them enough.

Dr. Mitch MallyTri-Med Health And Wellness PC, Davenport, IA

Insurance companies are not paying us more for services, so why would I want to offer a deeper discount? As I speak tongue in cheek, I was dumbfounded to learn that since my office was trained by the expert staff and skilled trainers with CHUSA and successfully implemented the strategies, countless patients have opted into the program and become members. This resulted in “zero” co-pays, no deductibles or restrictions in length and type of care, and payment for services is made the same day! The compliance levels for care, rehab, laser, orthotics, etc., have risen significantly, and we are enjoying an approximate $10,000-$12,000 increase per month, working smarter, not harder.

I used to worry than my ‘self-payment at the time of service discount’ could be considered just a way around having a dual fee schedule. With ChiroHealthUSA, we feel very confident stating our regular fees and our discounted fees through ChiroHealthUSA without fear that we are not complying with any rules. The patients appreciate getting a discount off the regular fees and rarely hesitate to pay the ChiroHealthUSA annual fee.

I love knowing I can offer discounted rates to my patients and be compliant. It helps me sleep at night. ChiroHealthUSA is a no-brainer for patients with high deductibles, too.

ChiroHealthUSA helped me solidify my fee schedule and stick to a single financial policy. It also gives many of my uninsured patients the ability to come more frequently for a discounted rate. It makes total sense for any new practitioner to join!

I am concerned about OIG audits. ChiroHealthUSA gives me more peace of mind. When someone asks about "cash prices," I just tell them we use CHUSA.

I became a ChiroHealthUSA provider to help provide a discount to families who are coming in together. My practice is modeled around family wellness, so making sure care is affordable for them was very important to me so they could continue to get the care they need.

I wanted to keep care affordable for my cash-paying patients. ChiroHealthUSA is my solution and it helps me get more cash patients.

ChiroHealthUSA has transformed our office! We love being able to provide our patients with options and they love being able to afford more chiropractic care! It is so easy to sign up and our patients appreciate the simplicity. We’ve had patients tell us they are able to come in as often as they need because of CHUSA. Our Financial Techs love when people sign up for CHUSA. We can mark a date paid in full and never have to bill insurance, appeal insurance claims, or do follow up with patients for insurance responses different from what they expected. It saves us a ton of time and enables us to use that time to serve patients in more meaningful ways!

The current US medical care model isn't working. ChiroHealthUSA is a tool for providers to help patients in the way patients want to receive care. It is a simple, straightforward model and easy to implement. Patients receive quality care and providers feel satisfied to do well by their patients.

Margaret M. Mertens, DCMargaret M. Mertens, DCAnew Health, Marshfield, WI

I wanted to make sure you know how grateful we are for the wonderful way you've handled our business/account. You're always "right on it" with reminders for renewals and solutions for creative challenges. Your webinars have saved us a great deal of time and kept us from worrying about changes, as well as saved us money with the quality experts with whom you partner. Having CHUSA in our office is like having our own partner who is "watching our back." Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I joined because I felt it was important for patients to have one more option for paying for their healthcare, and I knew that they would appreciate the ease of use and affordability that CHUSA allows us to provide.

CHUSA works very well in my office to provide significant discounts to cash patients and remain in compliance with commercial health plan contracts and Medicare. CHUSA is very easy to implement because you control the amount of your discounts, and it does not add any costs to your practice. Patients appreciate receiving the discounts we provide when they join CHUSA, and they like not paying recurring monthly fees. If you accept insurance or Medicare in your practice, then you need to join CHUSA to avoid dual fee schedules for cash patients and procedures not covered by Medicare.

We discovered CHUSA at our annual FCA convention in Orlando years ago. Since I am not in-network with any insurance providers, except Medicare, of course, CHUSA helped me offer discounts to my self-pay/cash pay patients without having to worry about “dual fee schedules”. You guys are always so helpful, and we appreciate what you do!

I became a ChiroHealthUSA provider to help provide a discount to families who are all coming in together. My practice is modeled around family wellness so making sure care is affordable for them was very important to me so they can continue to get the care they need.

I should have joined ChiroHealthUSA a long time ago.

I love the program. Great staff training. It is a freeing experience to know that everything from a financial standpoint with fee schedules, Medicare, and insurance is complete. Great program. I recommend it to everyone. Thanks to Activator Methods for introducing me to it.

ChiroHealthUSA was like pushing an ‘Easy’ button. Best program we’ve ever been a part of.

I wanted to offer compliant discounted rates to patients with large families so everyone can get the care they deserve and still be budget-friendly. CHUSA allows me to do that very easily!

ChiroHealthUSA is very smart practice management for my mostly cash practice. It keeps everything legal and neat.

I wanted to be able to make chiropractic care affordable for all my patients. It makes it easier for them to follow through with recommended treatment plans.

This has been a great resource for our offices. We jumped in using ChiroHealthUSA and it helped to transform our office.