Comments from Partnered Associations

Counseling our doctors on how to safely discount uninsured or under-insured patients has always been a major challenge. Thanks to ChiroHealthUSA, we can now provide members with a legal, ethical, effective solution that truly supports the Association, the doctors, AND the patients.

I would like to encourage all state associations and every doctor of chiropractic to join ChiroHealthUSA. For the state association, CHUSA is a no-brainer as an additional source of non-dues revenue. As a provider, CHUSA is an even bigger no brainer! With CHUSA, you will not lose any sleep at night wondering if you are ‘doing it right’ in trying to help your patients. As a state association president, I get questions all the time from our members about how to provide discounts to patients. Without hesitation, I tell our members that they need to do the right thing the right way and join CHUSA.

On behalf of the Congress of Chiropractic State Associations (COCSA), I would like to Thank ChiroHealthUSA for the effective and valuable service discount plan they offer to all of the Chiropractic Doctors around the country and for their generous support of COCSA as a Platinum Member!

Thanks to ChiroHealthUSA for providing our state members with a legal and ethical solution that supports the Association, their Doctors, and their patients. There are over 33 COCSA state member associations that have seen chiropractic access improved because of ChiroHealthUSA! We appreciate all that you do for COCSA and this outstanding profession!

Rachel Wendt, DC

The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) is very grateful for the generous contributions from ChiroHealthUSA. The Foundation is able to fulfill its mission of Positive Press for Chiropractic in unprecedented ways because it builds on the strength of those that support it. Success for the profession includes educating the public on the benefits of chiropractic care and creating campaigns that capture the attention of the American people. Thank you ChirohealthUSA for recognizing the importance of our mission. We wish you continued success.

On behalf of the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP), I want to thank you and all of the doctors who participate in ChiroHealthUSA for generous and ongoing contributions. F4CP supporters fuel the success of our campaign and help to unlock the best-kept secret in health care — chiropractic. For the past two years, the F4CP has generated over 31 billion positive media impressions about chiropractic and expects to achieve this level of success in years to come. Thanks, again, for recognizing the importance of positive press. We wish you all continued success.

Having been in the coding, compliance and state association world for just under 20 years, I have seen many companies come and go. I have met people that looked to use the profession for their own gain rather than to better the profession. I am ecstatic to say my work with ChiroHealthUSA has proved the opposite. They have such a love for chiropractic and helping chiropractors remain compliant and motivated to continue to serve our world. I could not be prouder to recommend this team. They have my FULL support in continuing to fight for the profession we both love.

The Colorado Chiropractic Association has enjoyed working with ChiroHealthUSA for nearly four years now. Their services and expertise assist our doctors with safely and effectively setting up cash discounts for their patients. We highly recommend ChiroHealthUSA and urge other associations to partner with them.

The North Carolina Chiropractic Association promotes ChiroHealthUSA because of the extensive legal and regulatory background work that has been done to protect our members while allowing them to offer a cash discount plan.

The Florida Chiropractic Association both enjoys and appreciates its partnership with ChiroHealthUSA. CHUSA offers an effective, easy and legally sound solution for discounting services, and we have received nothing but positive feedback from the many FCA members who have taken advantage of this great benefit. We highly recommend ChiroHealthUSA as a strong partner who supports partnering chiropractic associations while serving the chiropractic profession on many important levels.

Chiropractic physicians across the state have benefitted greatly from the information and services that CHUSA provides. Not only have they addressed the growing need of how to confidently assist their un-insured, partially-insured, or under-insured patients, but in a way that is easy to understand and implement no matter the style or structure of their practice.

As the Executive Director for the Mississippi Chiropractic Association, I am so proud to be a part of ChiroHealthUSA for several reasons. It allows my Doctors to have the flexibility to prescribe treatment plans to their patients based on their needs, not on their ability to pay for the care and the greatest reason of all, as an association, it produces a very good source of “non-dues revenue”, that can be used anywhere it is needed.

In the past, many doctors in Illinois put themselves at risk by offering discounts that very well could have been construed as illegal. Now, ChiroHealthUSA helps many of our doctors offer their patients discounts through a state approved discounted health services plan that has been reviewed and approved by legal experts. Finally our members have an option from a company that supports the profession.