Work Some Fun Into Your Workout! (Part I)

Work Some Fun Into Your Workout! (Part I)

by Brent Hearn •  Exercise! Make time to work out! Get in your cardio. Gotta do your strength training! And ya have to get in that mobility training! SURELY you’re stretching, right? If just reading that felt exhausting, you might be one of the many...
The Power Habits of Highly Successful Chiropractors

The Power Habits of Highly Successful Chiropractors

by Noah St. John, PhD • In the dynamic landscape of chiropractic care, the bridge between potential and success is built through habitual excellence. The most accomplished chiropractors distinguish themselves not just by their manual dexterity but through the adoption...
July 2024 – Worley Chiropractic, Lake Charles, LA

July 2024 – Worley Chiropractic, Lake Charles, LA

July 2024 – Worley Chiropractic, Lake Charles, LA Dr. Alex Worley D.C., a Lake Charles, Louisiana native, is a third-generation doctor continuing his family’s tradition of promoting health. Dr. Worley focuses on chiropractic care, advocating for healthy...
Back Injury – H20 May Be the Way to Go

Back Injury – H20 May Be the Way to Go

by Brent Hearn •  If you’ve ever sustained a back injury, even a mild one, you know how frustrating it can be. Whether you momentarily forgot the “lift with your legs and not your back” axiom we’ve repeated roughly half a gazillion times on this blog...
June 2024 – Bashline Chiropractic – Flushing, OH

June 2024 – Bashline Chiropractic – Flushing, OH

June 2024 – Bashline Chiropractic – Flushing, OH Dr. Shane D. BashlineDr. Shane has been serving the Ohio Valley since 1996 after graduating from Logan University in Chesterfield, Missouri in 1995. He prides himself in patient-centered care and offers a...
Common Myths and Misunderstandings About ADHD

Common Myths and Misunderstandings About ADHD

by Brent Hearn •  The good news: There’s significantly less stigma concerning mental illness and treatment than there used to be. As a society, the topic of mental health is much less taboo than it once was; overall, people tend to be more informed...
Wearables for Chiropractic

Wearables for Chiropractic

by Brent Hearn •  SETTING: A front porch. YEAR: 2050. Grandson: Hey, Pawpaw? What kind of smartwatch did you have when you were my age? And what kind of apps did it have? Grandfather: Smartwatch? Ha! We’d never heard of such. Back when I was a boy,...